Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Coons in the Barn

A little background information- Abby and Lammy live in a room in our barn where the ceiling is open which allows you to get from one side to the other without going outside. This is also where I keep their square bales and grain.
For those of you that have lived in the country, you know, this is the perfect recipe for raccoons. They were eating the grain which isn't cheap and pooping everywhere by the square bales.
First the neighbors let me borrow a small trap, after being out smarted by the coons for two nights I got ahold of my friend Levi. He told me that I was trying to use a squirrel trap! He let me borrow his trap that is actually made for raccoons. I have been setting it and everytime I set it I catch a coon!
I'm pretty sure I caught the momma first and TeJay "took it to the farm." The last three times have been little babies :) they are so cute!! We live by a state park so I drove 6 miles away and let them go in their new home. It was a really good feeling to give them a second chance. I'm almost positive that is the last of them but I'm still going to set the trap for the rest if the week.

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